Cyber Monday $140 discount on carrier unlocked Moto X

Motorola just announced a few sweet offers for Moto X, starting December 1. At precisely 11:00 AM CET be ready to hit their Cyber Monday landing page (at the source link below for $140 discount on a contract-free Moto X. In addition the nice folks at Motorola are also throwing in a 30% discount on all accessories with the smartphone purchase.

The promotion is tempting bringing the device down to a little over $300 for a completely unlocked unit. If however this still seems to pricy you could still sign up for a 2 year contract with AT&T or Verizon and get it for as little as a penny.

The Cyber Monday promotion is, as always limited to 5:00 p.m. CET or until supplies last. This does however have all the right ingredients to turn into a frenzy and quickly swipe the whole stock out of existence or crash the servers so be sure to act quickly if you fancy a new shiny Moto X before the holidays.


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Motorola just announced a few sweet offers for Moto X, starting December 1. At precisely 11:00 AM CET be ready to hit their Cyber Monday landing page (at the source link below for $140 discount on a contract-free Moto X. In addition the nice folks at Motorola are also throwing in a 30% discount on all accessories with the smartphone purchase.

The promotion is tempting bringing the device down to a little over $300 for a completely unlocked unit. If however this still seems to pricy you could still sign up for a 2 year contract with AT&T or Verizon and get it for as little as a penny.

The Cyber Monday promotion is, as always limited to 5:00 p.m. CET or until supplies last. This does however have all the right ingredients to turn into a frenzy and quickly swipe the whole stock out of existence or crash the servers so be sure to act quickly if you fancy a new shiny Moto X before the holidays.


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